The Brain & Lifestyle
- Practical lifestyle advice and information from Health psychology and Weight Management Consulting.
- Running Therapy
Nutrition Counselling
Adults who wish to change their eating and exercise habits can call on me for help. I’ll go through your eating habits with you and provide personalised recommendations on how to improve them.
Small dietary changes can have a big impact on your overall health and brain health.
Running therapy
Adults who wish to experience the mental health benefits of running for overall health and brain health.
Lifestyle Workshops & Sessions
- Running therapy
- Nutrition counselling
- Nutrition:
- lose weight without dieting
- Smart Portion sizes
- meal planning
- label reading
For whom
- adult with weight goals and nutrition concerns or questions about nutrition
- for individuals and groups
- seeking advice in changing their lifestyle (diet, exercise and behaviour)
- seeking practical support
- who want to be informed.
Participants will receive the following:
- Running therapy from a trained running therapist.
- advice on how to change their lifestyle: Nutrition, exercise, and behaviour adjustment following the dietary requirements of the Dutch Gezondheidsraad
- effective strategies to maintain, lose, or gain weight using, for example, the SMARTsize Me method
More about the other focus areas:
- Psychology
- the Brain
- Food and Psychology
- Nutrition