
Psychology: Understanding and insight into human behaviour.

Human behaviour is very complicated. Many of the challenges we face are rooted in human behaviour. Psychological knowledge can help us find solutions to these challenges.

Understanding and insight into human behaviour are what psychology is all about. Brain Palette works with individuals and businesses, providing psychological insights that help everyone and any business.

What is he thinking ? What is she doing? And Why?

Every day, we ask ourselves questions about our own and other people’s actions. When you’re at work or on your way home, read a book or a newspaper, watch a movie, or view a video on social media…..

At first, an answer may appear to be self-evident or straightforward to come up with. However… 

The correct answer or explanation is frequently not what we expect. It does not entirely explain the behaviour, it does not fully explain it, or it is inconsistent.

Consequences of not having an answer

The consequences are that you misjudge or that your question goes unanswered. It will linger in your mind, or you may regret that you did not come up with the correct answer sooner.

Psychological insight saves time, helps you grow, and helps you reach your goals. 

Psychological insight enables you to achieve everyday goals more effectively.

It also helps you think about behaviour-related issues that come to mind successfully, and those you believe are important now or soon. It feeds a curious mind, and it keeps the brain in great shape.

It is key in finding the answers to issues about human behaviour.

It ensures that you will not make a mistake in judgement. It will also allow you to avoid the disappointment and consequences of not discovering the correct answer sooner. Insights may also broaden your perspective, helping you to thrive.

How does it work?

There are many advantages to having psychological insight; but, how does it work?

For example, knowledge and perspective gained from psychology as a science are essential to correctky analysing and evaluating human behaviour.

The expert’s scientific approach to problem resolution holds the key.